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5 Scary ECG Patterns Not to Miss from Mattu and Brady

August 3, 2017

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Learn the ECG patterns for posterior MI, left main disease, the ominous isolated T-wave inversion in aVL, large upright T-wave in V1, and Wellen’s warning.  This full text article is mandatory reading.  Enjoy!

Why does this matter?
These ECG patterns are core knowledge.  You will kill people if you fail to recognize these patterns on ECG.

This is a gem
This little gem of an article doesn’t break new ground but reviews some old, commonly missed, high-risk ECG patterns you must know.  WJEM is always free full text.  Here is the link.  Do yourself and your chest pain patients a favor and take a look at this “show and tell” article written by Tewelde and a couple of ECG ninjas, Mattu and Brady.  It will take you 10 minutes to read but might save your patient’s life and you a malpractice suit.  Worth every minute.  The artificial intelligence built into the machine to read the ECG will miss these patterns every time, but now you won’t.

Pitfalls in Electrocardiographic Diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome in Low-Risk Chest Pain.  West J Emerg Med. 2017 Jun;18(4):601-606. doi: 10.5811/westjem.2017.1.32699. Epub 2017 Apr 17.

Peer reviewed by Thomas Davis, MD.

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