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How to Remember Every Spoon Feed

August 25, 2018

Written by Clay Smith

Spoon Feeding is Good

It’s easy to read the JournalFeed emails and forget what you learned by lunchtime.  Did you know you retain more if you take a test on it?  We used to think tests just assessed learning.  Wrong.  Tests actually help you learn better through retrieval practice.

Bring It On…Test My Spoon Feed Retention

Remembering Is Better

Learning a new fact from JournalFeed each day doesn’t help patients if you can’t remember it on your next shift.

As always, we are all about making this easy.  Here’s how.

  1. Sign up for an article a day.  If you only get the weekend email, you’re missing out.  Stop cramming and make it easier to retain this stuff.  Click the Update Your Email button at the bottom of every email.  Just change your preference where it says, Leave this blank to get all content each weekday.
  2. Take the JF quiz on Saturday to make your brain work to recall what you learned that week.
  3. We will try to give a cumulative quiz each month to fire up those neuronal pathways one more time and seal that knowledge in for good.

If you haven’t read the excellent book review from ALiEM, make it stick: The Science of Successful Learning, check it out.  Inspired by these educational ideals, I’m excited to bring you the JournalFeed – Spoon Feeding Pop Quiz!  Get ready to remember.

What are your thoughts?