Jan 30 2017
EHR – Excessive Heinous Record-keeping
If you feel like most of your shift is spent on documentation, that's because it is.
Jan 28 2017
Continuous or Interrupted Chest Compressions RCT
A pause in compressions to give rescue breaths made no impact on survival to hospital discharge.
Jan 27 2017
When to Expect Zero Survival in Arrest
No one survives if they have out-of-hospital arrest not witnessed by EMS, non-shockable initial rhythm, and no ROSC before the third epinephrine dose.
Jan 26 2017
Warning Symptoms Precede Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Patients with sudden cardiac arrest often had symptoms of chest pain or dyspnea in the 24 hours prior to arrest.
Jan 25 2017
Ketorolac – A Little Dab’ll Do Ya
For analgesia, there was no difference in 10mg, 15mg, and 30mg of IV ketorolac.
Jan 24 2017
Effect of Multiple Concussions in High School
ultiple concussions in high school caused increased symptoms but did not lead to poorer cognitive outcome.
Jan 23 2017
Concussion Paradigm Change – Rest Is Bad
Physical rest after concussion appears to be unhelpful, even harmful, in children and young people after concussion.
Jan 21 2017
Why We Use BNP Plus Clinical Judgment
Acutely dyspneic patients in the ED can be more accurately diagnosed by adding BNP to clinical judgment.
Jan 20 2017
Decompress that Cadaver – STAT
Based on this cadaver study, a 5cm catheter should be highly successful for needle decompression at either the 2nd intercostal space (ICS) mid-clavicular line or 5th ICS mid-axillary line.
Jan 19 2017
Epinephrine in Arrest – Sooner Is Better
If you're going to use epi in arrest, sooner is better. But not too soon.