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Pax in the Vaxed | 29-60 Day LP

The JournalFeed podcast for the week of Oct 10-14, 2022.

These are summaries from just 2 of the 5 article we cover every week! For access to more, please visit JournalFeed.org for details about becoming a member.

Pax in the Vaxed Spoon Feed

Nirmatrelvir (Paxlovid) use in a population of largely immune outpatients ≥65 years old, during the omicron variant era, was significantly associated with reduction in hospitalization and death.

29-60 Day LP Spoon Feed

Febrile infants 29-60 days with a positive UA had no cases of bacterial meningitis.  These patients do not need a lumbar puncture (LP). 

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