The Only Vertigo Tx | #1 Shock Methods
The JournalFeed podcast for the week of Dec 19-23, 2022.
These are summaries from just 2 of the 5 article we cover every week! For access to more, please visit for details about becoming a member.
The Only Vertigo Tx Spoon Feed
Vestibular suppressant medications in peripheral vertigo were not associated with symptom resolution, decrease in repeat ED visits, patient satisfaction, or increased quality of life. The authors suggest that positional maneuvers, such as the Epley maneuver, should be the primary treatment for BPPV.
#1 Shock Methods Spoon Feed
For the treatment of refractory ventricular fibrillation (VF) in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, survival to hospital discharge was more common among patients who received double sequential external defibrillation (DSED) and vector-change (VC) defibrillation than those who received standard defibrillation.