Drones Save the Drowning
Drones could help find drowning victims almost 4 minutes sooner than a large team of lifeguards.
Therapeutic Hypothermia No Help in Peds Arrest
There was no advantage of therapeutic hypothermia over therapeutic normothermia for pediatric in-hospital arrest.
Early ETT in Adult Arrest Worse
Early intubation in adult in-hospital arrest was associated with poorer outcomes and worse neurologically-intact survival.
Duration of CPR Prehospital in Kids
For pediatric arrest, prehospital CPR duration of 42 minutes is the time at which the probability of favorable neurological recovery is < 1%.
Continuous or Interrupted Chest Compressions RCT
A pause in compressions to give rescue breaths made no impact on survival to hospital discharge.
When to Expect Zero Survival in Arrest
No one survives if they have out-of-hospital arrest not witnessed by EMS, non-shockable initial rhythm, and no ROSC before the third epinephrine dose.
Epinephrine in Arrest – Sooner Is Better
If you're going to use epi in arrest, sooner is better. But not too soon.
ETT During Pediatric Arrest May Harm
Intubation during pediatric arrest did not appear to benefit and may be harmful.
Conventional CPR in Pedi Arrest Bests Compression-Only
Bystander CPR improved the odds of neurologically intact survival in pediatric patients, but only if conventional CPR was performed.
CPR in Kids – Conventional or Compression-Only
Conventional CPR is preferred over compression-only CPR in pediatric arrest and any CPR is better than none.