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Pre-Hospital C-spine Clearance | Skull Fracture P/E

The JournalFeed podcast for the week of Dec 5-9, 2022.

These are summaries from just 2 of the 5 article we cover every week! For access to more, please visit JournalFeed.org for details about becoming a member.

Delirium = CT Spoon Feed

Among patients ≥65 years who presented to the ED with delirium, confusion, or altered mental status, 15.6% had an abnormal head CT. Presence of neurologic deficit was a significant predictor for abnormal CT, but anticoagulation was not. 

Pre-Hospital C-spine Clearance Spoon Feed

In this large, single-center prospective cohort implementation study, paramedics were able to apply a modified* Canadian C-spine rule to assess low risk trauma patients and transport a large proportion of them to a higher level of care without spinal precautions.

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