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RV Assessment in PE | Yuck, Don’t Reuse PPE

The JournalFeed podcast for the week of April 18-22, 2022.

These are summaries from just 2 of the 5 article we cover every week! For access to more, please visit JournalFeed.org for details about becoming a member.

RV Assessment in PE Spoon Feed:

Among patients with symptomatic PE who are low risk by sPESI, the addition of right ventricular assessment predictors (echo, CT, troponin, and BNP) significantly improved prognostication for clinical deterioration within 5 days. 

Yuck, Don’t Reuse PPE Spoon Feed:

Reusing personal protective equipment (PPE) risks contamination for healthcare workers and should be eliminated as much as possible.  See image of contamination below.

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