April 2017
Apr 29 2017
HINTS to the Cause of Dizziness
HINTS is a 3-part exam that is a powerful bedside discriminator of vertigo caused by a peripheral insult vs. posterior stroke that outperformed MRI.
Apr 28 2017
Scribes and RVUs – A Mixed Picture
Scribes appear to be revenue positive in higher acuity adult patients. The jury is still out on low acuity adult patients and pediatric patients.
Apr 27 2017
PEITHO – Long-term Follow Up
Thrombolytic therapy for submassive PE didn't change the incidence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
Apr 26 2017
Don’t Stick Your NEXUS Out for Older Patients
NEXUS was not as sensitive in patients older than 65. These people need imaging.
Apr 25 2017
Ridiculously Simple Stats – Propensity Score
Propensity scores are a way to account for confounding in observational studies so we can have more confidence that an outcome is truly associated with an exposure.
Apr 24 2017
They’re Here… High Sensitivity Troponin
High sensitivity troponin may allow for a very rapid MI rule out.
Apr 22 2017
Why We Give tPA in Stroke
Use of tPA within 3 hours for acute ischemic stroke improved functional outcome at 3 months but increased early risk for intracranial hemorrhage.
Apr 21 2017
Apr 20 2017
Opiate+Benzodiazepine Rx – OD Risk Skyrockets
Writing combined prescriptions for both opiates and benzodiazepines was associated with increased risk of opiate overdose.
Apr 19 2017
Labs Drawn in the WR Shorten Stay
Time in the ED was reduced by 42 minutes, and a decreased percentage of patients left without being seen when diagnostic studies were initiated in the waiting room.