July 2019
Jul 31 2019
Coding Bias for “Sinusitis” to Justify Antibiotic Prescribing
Physicians who wrote for the most antibiotics were also the ones who diagnosed sinusitis most often. To justify writing for an antibiotic, there was a coding bias to call it “sinusitis” when in fact, it probably was just a cold.
Jul 30 2019
Predictors for Acute Appendicitis in Children
When faced with an equivocal appendix on ultrasound (US), use of secondary findings such as appendix diameter ≥ 7mm, presence of appendicolith, associated inflammatory changes, and WBC count greater than 10,000/mL can increase diagnostic certainty.
Jul 29 2019
Contrast-Associated Acute Kidney Injury – Fact or Fiction?
Contrast-associated acute kidney injury is a controversial subject. The available evidence is reassuring that significant acute kidney injury, death, and need for renal replacement therapy are rare after IV contrast administration.
Jul 26 2019
Fluoroquinolones and Sudden Death
Fluoroquinolone (FQ) antibiotics were associated with an increased odds of serious arrhythmic event (SAE) from 7 up to 90 days after taking them.
Jul 25 2019
Can We Predict Who Will Misuse Opioids?
Current or past substance abuse, mental health diagnosis, younger age, and male sex increased risk of subsequent opiate misuse after an initial opiate prescription.
Jul 24 2019
Does Crowding Increase Mortality In Low-Acuity Discharged Patients?
ED crowding was associated with markedly increased odds of 10-day mortality in lower acuity patients who were discharged home.
Jul 23 2019
Dual Sequential Defibrillation – Earlier Is Better?
Dual sequential defibrillation (DSD) was ineffective overall in refractory ventricular fibrillation (v-fib) in terminating v-fib to return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). The subgroup in which DSD was performed earlier (shocks 4-8) had improved ROSC.
Jul 22 2019
Have We Fixed Dosing Errors in Pediatric EMS?
Prehospital personnel made frequent pediatric drug dosing errors in several critical scenarios. A drug reference that reduced calculations helped, but the error rate was still dangerously high.
Jul 19 2019
How Your Compassion Helps Patients Heal
Showing compassion to patients in the ED with a life threatening emergency reduced the odds of PTSD at one month.
Jul 18 2019